
Logistic Automation System to Grow your Business


Using Logistic Automation System in your Transport and Logistic Business is one of the best ways to reduce the cost of service and outperform the competition.

In this article, I am gonna show you the Top 5 Logistic Automation systems you need to implement in your business and can get benefit from, including automating data entry with Docextractor.

So, let’s get started.

What Is Logistics Automation?

Logistic Automation System is such of Logistics Automation Software and equipment to improve the efficiency of logistical processes from collection to production, delivery, customer service inventory management, and recovery.

On the other hand, On the electronics side, Automatic Cars, Robotics, and automatic storage such as carousels and vertical lift modules. And on the Logistic Automation System software side, many solutions support sales, CRM, accounting, tracking, billing, BI (Business intelligence), and more.

Why Logistic Automation Is Important?

The Mindset and Behavior are changing. People are more like to buy products in online than the offline market. The eCommerce industry is booming in today’s world. Sales are higher than ever, and the trend shows no signs of slowing.

 This growing flow of Mamy type of products of many categories puts pressure on both producers and distributors. To stay in the competitive market, your business needs to streamline its processes as much as possible. However, they face various challenges related to customer service, quality, and procedural barriers to mention a few.

 When it comes to manual data entry of the documents, it is more challenging to enter data accurately. There is more to invoicing than just invoicing. Manual data entry is tedious and expensive. Documents involved in the logistical process include:

  • Purchase order
  • Packing list
  • Shipping notice
  • Order Invoice
  • And many more

How Automation Helps Logistics Companies

  • By automating time-consuming manual processes, your teams can focus on high-value tasks and serve customers in less time. So, you can cut off the cost of manual Processes.
  • In Manual Entry, you can face any error. But, By  Logistics automation saves managers and teams a lot of time and effort while preventing bottlenecks, which convert into cost reduction and productivity.
  • By using Logistic Automation System Software,  you can track real-time data. This software provides real-time freight rates and will help you plan for freight capacity while reducing the cost of pulling data and generating reports with traditional IT resources.
  • Customers are always looking for the cheapest and best quality options. This software helps you to track Transaction, Process documents, and Shipment Status to provide faster service at lower costs, making you more competitive.

5 Logistic Automation System Implementation You need

1. AI Data Capture Software

Capturing Data and Extracting Data from Documents is the most important part of the supply chain.  As we know, manual data entry is a time-consuming process.

Data capture software is a cost-effective option that manages data entry for you. In the case of huge amounts, To accurately extract data from documents like Docextracto Optical Character Recognition (OCR). It is easy to use and does not require any technical skills. It is much less expensive than acquiring a custom solution.

2. Predictive Analytics

 The AI-based Automation system combines complex mathematical algorithms, and cloud-based servers and creates forecast models for demand, optimal inventory levels, pricing strategies, and optimal shipping frequencies.

By the way, Predictive analysis is not the easiest technology to implement, it gives the Business a Huge ROI. By using Docextractor software, Top logistics companies are already saving on unneeded vehicles, planning deliveries according to buyers’ decisions, optimizing delivery routes, and more.

3. Inventory Control Systems

Inventory control systems manage various aspects of inventory management, such are Tracking, Shipping, purchasing receiving, etc. It provides a 24/7 overview of stored products with receipt and shipment notifications. This access to real-time information helps with stock reporting, control, waste reduction, forecasting, and more.

4. Custom Logistics Software

Custom logistics software as per the overall infrastructure of the logistic hub develops a wide range of custom solutions with features tailored to your company’s specific needs. Common features include order and stock management, analysis process automation, analysis, finance, data protection, and much more. 

This logistics automation system can be rather expensive and take more time to implement. But, when it is fully conceptualized and developed, it is amazing to improve the overall Logistic Service.

5. Robotics in Warehouse 

In this day, Using Robotics in warehouses is a game changer for Logistics companies. Companies are investing in collaborative mobile robots, drones, robots, and automated storage and recovery systems. It can perform tasks at a consistent speed and with great accuracy, reducing the error cost, and improving safety.

However, acquiring the tools and software needed to automate a facility can be a significant cost. So investing Latest technology, Robotics in warehouse automation requires caution and planning.

Benefits of Logistic Automation System That You have implemented

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1. Easy to Access Real-time Data

By using This Automation System Software, Managers can quickly, make informed decisions by seeing the reports in less time.

2. Reduced error

Manual data entry is a tedious task where it will cause delays, misinformation, stress, and financial costs. Automated Logistic Automation System Software fixes all types of issues.

3. High Speed and Scalability 

It is very important for Logistics business to scale and gives faster delivery. Imagine making your logistics processes faster and easier to scale. As orders roll, Artificial intelligence-based software can easily enter data into the correct system and consolidate transport invoices into a single weekly or monthly invoice. 

4. Good customer service

Docextractor Logistic Automation System Software gives you good customer service than others. So if you facing any issue, you can directly contact us to get Quick access to information that helps you provide order updates and resolve customer requests more quickly. 

How Docextractor Can Help You to Data Capture from Logistics Documents

Docextractor can digest different document formats and pull data in a clean and structured way.

Here’s how you can use it;

  • Step #1: First, you need to upload Documents. It is the Contract, Invoice, Purchase Order, Agreement, and Delivery report.
  • Step #2: After uploading documents, you need to Define your parsing rules. DocParser follows the parsing rules to identify and extract the data of your choice. You can either choose Rules Template or create your own rules. Once you fully set the rules, this software can parse data from a large number of documents. 
  • Step #3: So, Finally, after extracting Data, you can download or export your data wherever it needs to go You can download extracted data in CSV, Excel, JSON, and XML files.


At this time, embracing logistical automation is no longer a nice bonus, but a necessity, especially for growing the business and competing with others. 

If you’re looking for the best way to save money, reduce inventory, and transportation costs, and make more reliable decisions, Docextractor: The Best Logistic Automation System Software is here for you. Though, There are several logistic automation systems available in the market, but, in all of these, Docextractor is No.1.

So, I hope, you have got the complete information on the Benefits of using Logistic Automation System Software and Why you should implement it in your business as fast as you can. Try Docextractor Demo Trial today and see the results.

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